• You may not share or upload your dog to any mass downloads such as exchange or mediafire.
  • You must be an active member of the SKC and SIKC Forum to acquire from us.
  • The dogs must keep the prefix (Nightingale's) you cannot change it but you may add yours in addition.  You may however change the call name it comes with.
  • If you purchase a puppy with full registration, you may not breed it until it is minimum 2 years old (female) and 1.5 years (male).
  • You are not allowed to change anything about our dogs (ie: coat color, ears, tail, traits).
  • Using the dog's template for another dog is not allowed.
  • Payment of the puppy is due the day you choose. We will not send out our puppies until we receive payment.

All white Dalmatians are placed on a spay/neuter basis and are not to be bred.

They are only for companion animals and will not be eligible for full registration. Potential owners should be aware of possible disabilities that Whites are likely to have.


Please inform us if you plan on breeding your dog (if full registration).


We have a lifetime guarantee on our dogs, if you no longer wish to own one of our Dalmatians, please inform us and we will take it back.